Sat 04 Jan
▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ GORGEOUS ▬▬▬▬ ASIAN ▬▬▬▬ GIRL ▬▬▬▬ COMING SO SEXY ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 203 909 9624 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ - 23
Eve :: ☆ • Petite HOT Beauty •••► ($12O SPECIAL) REadY Now ☆• 1OO% Real Pics - 20
(milford incall, New Haven)
Milford ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ThE MoST OpEN MInDeD LOvER for all your DReAMS and DeSIReD FANTASIES..★ ★ ★ ★ - 24
(Milford, New Haven)
💋❤ MaKe Me MoAn Special $65 ALL DaY!! 🚗🅿 Rearend 🅿🆖 $120! call NOW 860-538-8366 Im READY 4U! - 35
(New Haven, Incall New Haven , Exit 59 Here 2 Stay!)
Let Me Take You Somewhere You've Never Been Before
(Eastern Connecticut, Hartford, New Haven, Northwest Connecticut, anywhere you want me!)
Girl Next Door💋Fufilling fantasies!🍒Incall & Outcall🍒 UNRUSHED & DISCRETE🍒 - 26
(Milford, New Haven & Surrounding Areas, New Haven)
Lana 💋 4th oF JuLy SpeCiALs!💋 ~ INCALL&Outcall; - 26
(New Haven, West Haven &New; Haven &Surrounding; areas)
Exotic Sweet Sensual Green Eyes Visits hersfield Sat April 21 Sun April 22 - 38
(Danbury, hersfield in)
❤👅MILF in Waterbury!!💋👗💄❤ Come let me show you what a GROWN woman knows!!!! Stop playing games! - 35
(New Haven, Waterbury)
***** CoMe EnJoY sOmE tImE wItH mE **** FrEaKy FrIdAy SeXxY sOnYa ***** GrEaT dEaLs **** - 24
chocolate Th!cK Th!GhS % F®@ky 2 Th CoR My SK!LLS R the BEST - 22
**** Eminent ** Arousal ** Event ** For ** The ** Danbury ** Waterbury ** Area **** - 35
(Stamford, Incall Location)
💕💎Hot💕 Exciting 💋Play date 💕💎super busty💎💕💋 - 23
(milford in surrounding areas out calls, New Haven)
Exclusivity Stamford through Eastern CT - 26
(Eastern Connecticut, Hartford, New Haven, Stamford through Eastern)
🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟Gorgeous🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 👑👑👑👑👅Kinky👅👑👑👑👑 NATURAL Redhead👑👑👑Specials 😘😘 - 24
(New Haven, West Haven Incall)
👄💋💄 Curvy & All Natural 💋 Latina 👄 PlayBoy👯 Bunny!!! In & Out Available Always!!!! - 25
(West Hartford, Everywhere)
** CoMe EnJoY sOmE tImE wItH mE ** SeXxY sOnYa ** GrEaT dEaLs ** SaTuRdAy SpEaCiLs *** - 24
Jackie Blondes Sweet Temtation!!! Berlin tpk Berlin - 43
(Berlin, berlin tpk berlin route 9 crossing, New Haven)
Sexy Tasty Fun Girl Beauty Sexy Mixed Breed *Specials**✔Incalls and Outcalls NO TEXT - 23
(Atlanta, Buckhead, N Druid, Midtown, Dunwoody)
SEXY Vanessa Young Sweet AMAZING SKILLS 50*Special let me twerk this Fatty on u! - 25
(Bronx, Bx 170 and jerome ave)
🍑NeW🔥HoT🔥THiCk🍑 HoRNy 🌴SweeT 🍓HoNey🍯 TReaT💦 5sTaR 🌟seRViCe👠CLassy & FReaKy Sweet LeXy - 23
ThickBigBoobedBigBootyBBW 4 InCall Only - 45
(North SD County, Now in Sandiego Right before Lemon Grove)
Aaliyah 👑 💎 Uքsċaʟɛ Pʀօʋɨɖɛʀ 💎 Sɛxʏ 👯 Latina 👯 Rɛaʟ & Rɛċɛռt Pɨċs 📲Caʟʟ Mɛ!👑 - 21
(Bronx, East gunhill)
B L 0 N d E Barbie (Petite College Cutey) Highly Reviewed! (2Girl Specials) Young&Fun; - 22
(North SD County, Carlsbad)
》》→→ * Your Sexy Thiick PuertoRican Queen with Beautiful Specials *←←《 - 20
(Bronx, Bronx OutCalls Only no incalls)
Your No. 1 Desire💞💞INCALLS ONLY 💟💟Antiguan Companion - 26
(Bronx, Fordham area, by St. Barnabas Hospital)
The EXOCITE MIX Leaving today by 1pm IN n OutCALLS $50 SP - 25
(Bronx, Barnes & Arnow Ave In n outCALLS)
( SuP€r • S€x¥ ) ✰ D0LL _FaC€d_ CuT¡€ ♥ ( 1oO% R€aL) ✰ NiC3 _ BoOt¥ - 21
(Bronx, East Tremont Bronx)
(( SUPER SEXY =)) o (( CUTE , THICK , PHAT AZZZ =) BIG SMaCkABle BooTy...!!! - 24
(Bronx, bronx - incalls - whiteplains rd, Brooklyn)
> > > CLICK HERE < < < ✨ I H@vE A GrE@T He@D On My ShOuLdErS ✨ - 20
🍰🍭IN FOR A TR£AT😋ℓεavε a smiℓε on your facε!/ Voℓuptuous Bεauty/ avaiℓabℓε now!🍦🍬 - 20
SPeCiALS (¯`☆`¯) CALiFORiNA DReAM GiRL (¯`☆`¯) SPeCiALS - 21
Nicole 😍 100%REAL••• A B S O L U T E L Y S T U N N I N G - 24
(Downtown, Financial District DT, Manhattan)
B r o n x ——————————— ————————(212) 729 4448——————————— Fast 2u—————————— Hot Asian ———————————— —— - 23
(Bronx, Outcall 718 510 5598)
very sensuous erotic body rubs by hot 21 year old - 21
(Orlando, South Orlando near the florida mall)
💛❤️AbSoLuTeLy🍒 AmAziNg❤️💛💦CoMe PLaY WiTh Me 💦❤️#1 MoSt WaNtEd💦🌟💦SwEeT 🍓🍓SE❌ii LATINA 💛🍓💛CALL NOW 🌟🍒🌟 - 23
(Bronx, BRONX🍒 conner st🍒 Boston)
80 Specials All Day 💸💸ComE CoRrECt Or DoNt CoMe At aLL ‼️She GoT ThaT Holla BacK! BiiG BoOoTy - 24
(Bronx, Incalls)
50♥° morning. special °o♥° GET °o♥50° A TASTE °o♥of perfection👅💋 ° ThiCk eBonY ° best l!pZ in NYC - 19
5⭐️ Treat ✅ 💎 BRËÂTHTÄKÏNG ✅ Best On Bp ✔️Party Girl 💎✔️💦 FETISHS💎➖💎 InDëpënDént💘 ØutCallS - 21
(Brooklyn, Outcalls anywhere)
~*~ $40qv Special~*~ Curvavious Chocolate Cutie Ready for your excitement and pleasure - 20
(Bronx, 215Th st and Laconia ave)
★☆★☆★24/7 BBW MS.BOUNCE sweet & cool BIG BOOTY FREAK 30/60/80☆★☆★☆★ - 19
(Bronx, Burnside & grand av)